Idaho Amateur Radio
Emergency Service
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Idaho ARES News

Idaho ARES News is posted with the most recent article appearing at the top of the page. If you would like to receive email notifications when NEWS articles are posted, please login and check the box in your member profile to subscribe to email NEWS notifications.

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  • Idaho Frequency Coordinators Information

    Posted on Jan 14, 2025 4:26 AM UTC

    Idaho's repeater frequency coordinators Map and Info: [B]Northern Idaho Frequency Coordinator:[/B] Kenyon Rau, K7YR 2200 Summit Blvd Manson, WA 98831 509-687-2211 ============================= [B]Southwestern Idaho Frequency Coordinator:[/B] Larry Smith, W8ZRQ 8106 Bobran Boise, ID 83709 208-375-2205 ============================= [B]Southeastern Idaho Frequency Coordinator:[/B] Bliss Wheeler, W7RUG 355 N Karey Ln Idaho Falls, ID 83402 208-972-8340 ============================= Idaho Repeater Frequency Coordination Information: 1. Repeater Frequency Coordination is a responsibility of the National Frequency Coordinators Council (NFCC). 2. [B]NFCC is not associated with the ARRL.[/B] (This information is presented as a courtesy to Idaho hams). 3.The preceding page is a map of Idaho showing three frequency coordination zones in Idaho. (The shaded areas with numbers 1 through 6 are the ARES “districts” in Idaho). 4. Here is a description of the three Idaho frequency coordination zones: • The Northern Zone is coordinated by the Eastern Washington Coordinator and includes all of Idaho north of an east/west line passing through Grangeville, ID. • The Southwestern Zone is that part of Idaho south of Grangeville and west of a north/south line running through Malta, ID. • The Southeastern Zone is that part of Idaho east of a north/south line through Malta, ID. 4. The Northern Zone Coordinator is Ken Rau (K7YR), e-mail: iacc.coordinator (at) 5.The Southwestern Zone Coordinator is Larry Smith (W7ZRQ), e-mail: w7zrq7 (at) 6. The Southeastern Zone Coordinator is Bliss Wheeler (W7RUG), e-mail: bmw (at) [B]7. If you have questions about repeater coordination, please get in touch with the coordinator for your area.[/B] Dan Marler, K7REX Idaho ARRL Section Manager

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section ManagerNews, article 86, posted by Dan Marler (K7REX)

  • FEMA NIMS - Information and Communications Technology Functional Guidance posted.

    Posted on Apr 19, 2023 4:39 PM UTC

    A link to download the FEMA National Incident Management Systems - Information and Communications Technology Functional Guidance document has been posted to the DHS, FEMA, IOEM and ARES Resource page, which can be found under the Resources menu.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 85, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)


    Posted on May 25, 2022 1:30 PM UTC

    Version 2.01 of the National Interoperability Field Operations Guide is now posted for download and is available by visiting the DHS, FEMA, IOEM & ARES Resources page via the Resource menu.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 84, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)


    Posted on May 19, 2022 1:30 PM UTC

    The Current Propagation page now performs a data lookup from NOAA Space Weather Prediction data to obtain the -1 dB D-Region Absorption Prediction (DRAP) for specific locations.  Data is shown below the DRAP map that is located at the lower left corner of the page for the following locations:

    • Boise, ID
    • Coeur d'Alene, ID
    • Jackson Hole, WY
    • Missoula, MT
    • Pocatello, ID
    • Portland, OR
    • Salt Lake City, UT
    • Seattle, WA

    Select the Propagation menu item within the Environmental section under the Resources menu to view this data.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 83, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)


    Posted on Oct 16, 2021 1:36 PM UTC

    See the DHS, FEMA, IOEM and ARES Resources page under the Resources menu to access version 2.0 of the National Field Operations Guide (NIFOG).

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 82, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • Bonner ARES hosts test session

    Posted on Aug 15, 2021 5:48 PM UTC

    On Saturday, August 14, Bonner County ARES sponsored our second exam session, and we are pleased to report: 5 new Technician Class operators minted 2 upgrades to General Class 2 upgrades to Amateur Extra class Bonner County ARES hosts in person, all license classes testing session every other month. Next session will be in October, date TBD.

    Idaho ARES Bonner County Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 81, posted by Mark Earls (K7MEE)


    Posted on Jan 27, 2021 12:05 AM UTC

    IDAHO ARES MEMBERS: An update performed by our web host has required changes to our login engine. Your previous login credentials will no longer function as of January 26, 2021 until you have reset your password. If you have reset your password on or after January 26, 2021, you can disregard this message.

    To reset your password, please select the Reset Lost Password menu item found under the Members menu and follow the instructions on that page. Once you receive your temporary password, please login immediately with the temporary password and the select the Change Security Settings menu item under the Members menu item, and change your password to a password of your choosing.

    We apologize for this inconvenience, but this was simply unavoidable.  

    Web-Admin: 26 Jan 2021

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 80, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • Idaho Statewide Communications Interoperability Plan

    Posted on May 30, 2020 3:24 PM UTC

    The Idaho Statewide Communications Interoperability Plan (April 2020) has been posted, and can be downloaded from the Idaho Office of Emergency Management section of the DHS, FEMA, IOEM and ARES Resources page.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 79, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • FEMA Region X 60M Monthly Intoperability NET to resume in June

    Posted on May 30, 2020 1:42 PM UTC

    Notice was received on May 30 that the monthly FEMA Region X Interoperability Exercise, held on the 60-meter band on the third Tuesday of the month, will resume in June.  The text of the email notification follows:

    Hello everyone, hope all are doing well with the COVID pandemic, we at FEMA have been extremely busy , and still pushing hard to support the states efforts in curtailing the pandemic.

    I will be resuming the HF INTEROP exercise in June.

    Due to COVID and still limited access to our facility, I will only be at the facility on the first and third Tuesdays to perform the FNARS testing and third Wednesday for the HF Interop.

    Thanks hope all are doing well and look forward to hearing you soon !


    Armine CHRIS  White

    Telecommunication Specialist, DEC Branch | FEMA Region 10 Response Division

    Relevant operational details can be found at FEMA Region X Monthly Interoperability NET on the DHS, FEMA, IOEM and ARES page that is accessible via the Resources menu.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 78, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • FEMA Region X 60M Monthly Interoperability NET On Hold (1 Apr 2020)

    Posted on Apr 02, 2020 3:43 AM UTC

    Due to COVID-19, the FEMA Interoperability Exercise, held the third Wednesday of the month, is on hold.  The text of the announcement for this follows:

    FEMA Region X HF Interoperability Exercise (third Wednesday each month on the channels at 5 MHz) are suspended until further notice.

    Should this situation change, this article will be removed and a new announcement will be posted here.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 77, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • ARES District 3 - Simplex 2m Digital Net

    Posted on Apr 02, 2020 12:12 AM UTC

    Recently, during the ARES/RACES meetings at Gowen Field, the topic of using 2m digital modes were discussed several times. The benefits mentioned were that when passing emergency traffic locally, we would be able to use various digital modes to pass longer messages which might contain long lists that would require accuracy; i.e. lists of medical supplies needed or supplies needed for shelters. Also, coordinates or directions, which would require specific, concise information.

    Another consideration is that if the grid were to go down and repeaters were not functioning, simplex voice and digital would be what we would have left to work with. Many times, digital modes function better than voice simplex. Here is a good article, which explains the difference between analog and digital signals. alog_vs_Digital

    One of the main objectives in practicing digital modes is to relay messages from one station to another over as large an area as possible, i.e. from Marsing to Caldwell to Meridian to Boise or from Emmet to Caldwell to Marsing to Homedale.

    Another objective is to find out which stations can reliably hear one another so that we may develop a path map of stations.

    Each time we run a net we can practice various modes to determine which ones are most reliable and accurate. We will also use FLMSG and ICS-213 forms as well as FLAMP, which has forward error correction and enables the one who is transmitting to fill missed blocks without having to resend the entire message.

    Currently our Dist. 3-  2m digital net will be held on the first Monday of each month at 8PM MT on 147.500. This will allow us to use both the voice or dig.modes as needed. Marlene Moore KF6YNC will act as net control and Dan Woodall N7DKW will open a ZOOM conference that we can use simultaneously to provide detailed guidance while training.

    Following is a practical article on getting your digital comms up and running. 4/06/07/basic-digital-communications-setup/

    Here is the Zoom meeting login information:

    With Browser

    With Zoom App on computer or smart phone

    Meeting ID: 973 297 2543

    Join meeting with computer audio

    Phone Audio Option

    Dial:+16699009128,Meeting ID,9732972543# US (San Jose)

    Dial:+13462487799,Meeting ID,9732972543# US (Houston)

    Idaho ARES District 3: South West Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 76, posted by Marlene Moore (KF6YNC)

  • Washington State EOC to EOC Exercises--a Reason To Train

    Posted on Feb 03, 2020 5:58 PM UTC

    Latah County ARES and Whitman County, WA, ARES have traditionally worked closely together. Sometimes one county takes the lead, sometimes the other. Either way, between the two counties, we've had a viable ARES organization for at least the last 8 or 9 years. Like ALL ARES organizations we've sometimes had trouble focusing our training and activities--we do a lot of "random" training but the training doesn't have an end Goal or destination. It's not "bad" training--it's just random. As part of working closely with my counterpart in Whitman County, I'm privy to most of the Washington State ARES communications. Recently they sent out an Exercise Plan that I think can be used to "solve" part of the issue of "random" training. The Plan is posted under the Activities Tab, right at the bottom. The End Goal of the Plan is a very large communications emergency exercise in 2022. The Plan describes the activities that will be held as part of the ongoing "5th Saturday" EOC to EOC exercise in the State of Washington. The exercises are hosted out of Camp Murry and surrounding states are invited to join in. I encourage all ECs, and all other members, to take a look at the Washington State Exercise Plan and see how you can apply the opportunities presented to your own county ARES organization. I plan to have a "pre-exercise" training event before each 5th Saturday exercise to make sure our skill and equipment are up to par and capable of leading to a success Exercise. You may want to do something different--and that's OK! We ALL need to train as ARES Organizations to make sure we are ready when we are needed. I believe this Washington Exercise Plan is a good format for that training. Please take a look! 73 Bill Ward K9GRZ Latah County EC

    Idaho ARES Latah County Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 75, posted by William Ward (K9GRZ)

  • Article Posted - Setting Up Sound Card For Digital Communications

    Posted on Aug 15, 2019 1:41 AM UTC

    An article has been posted to describe how to set up the sound card for a USB connected device (i.e. transceiver with built-in USB or a USB radio sound card, such as a SignaLink USB) to avoid generating interference, avoid violation of FCC regulations, and to properly protect the transmitter while achieving the best transmitted digital signal.  This article is applicable to both Windows and Mac OS users.

    The article can be accessed by selecting the Set Up Your Sound Card for Digital Comms menu item in the Tutorials section under the Resources menu.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 74, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • Monthly Reports

    Posted on Jan 31, 2019 4:52 PM UTC

    Greetings, This is a reminder for everyone to please submit your activity information (if you have not already done so) to the Idaho ARES web site for the month of January. We need the information by February 10, 2019 so it can turn around and send it to ARRL for inclusion in QST among other things. Please note that a “negative” report, which is a report with zero activity is still a report There are still a few groups who have not reported their information to ARRL using the site found at: . It takes maybe 5 minutes to complete. Please, if you have no already done so, complete your group ID form as soon as possible because the implementation of ARES CONNECT (the ARRL new ARES web site) may be delayed until the information is received. If you have any questions, please call me at 208 888 1343, or e mail me at W7BOI@ARRL.NET. 73 Rich

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 72, posted by Richard Dees (W7BOI)


    Posted on Jan 21, 2019 6:05 PM UTC

    A new feature, comprised of a set of Frequency Planning Tools, has been added to the web-application to better enable the Emergency Coordinator to manage frequency planning for an incident.  The Frequency Planning Tools are comprised of a single master ICS-217A Communications Resource Availability Worksheet, and many instances of the ICS-205 Communications Planning Worksheet.  The ICS-217A Communications Resource Availability Worksheet is visible only to Emergency Coordinator positions, and allows for the easy selection of frequencies/channels when creating an ICS-205 Communications Planning Worksheet.  The ICS-205 Communications Planning Worksheets are viewable by all Idaho ARES members.

    The ICS-205 Communications Planning Worksheet have been categorized into types, consisting of General-Plan, NETs, Exercise, Training and Incident / Event.  Each of these categories is viewable by selecting the appropriate menu item within the ICS-205 COMMS PLANS section under the Activities menu.

    A General-Plan is a default communications plan that all members within a jurisdiction (i.e. county, district, state) should rely upon only if no specific ICS-205 has been created for the incident that is being staffed by Idaho ARES members.  An ICS-205 communications plan that is created for a specific incident will have a type of NETs, Exercise, Training or Incident / Event.

    The district specific pages that used to exist in the EXERCISES, NETS AND TRAINING section under the Activities menu have been removed and replaced by this new capability.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 71, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • Automatic Link Establishment (ALE)
  • Important ARES Staff Changes

    Posted on Dec 05, 2018 3:03 PM UTC

    December 5, 2018 ARES Members: We're pleased to announce the following changes, effective immediately: Marty Edwards (AK7ME) will move to an Assistant Section Manager (ASM) position, and will be working on various special projects as assigned by the Section Manager. Richard Dees (W7BOI) will move to the position of ARES Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC). Richard will be facilitating the implementation of the “New ARES” program and the “ARES Connect” database, and with other Section level ARES business. Terry Fletcher (K7THF) is officially assuming the Emergency Coordinator (EC) position for Twin Falls County. Terry has actually been "on duty" for some time but we had not previously formalized the relationship with Idaho ARES. Congratulations to Marty, Richard and Terry on their new positions! 73, Ed AI7H Idaho ARRL Section Manager

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section ManagerNews, article 69, posted by Edward Stuckey (AI7H)

  • Idaho Simulated Emergency Test (SET) 2018

    Posted on Sep 28, 2018 2:27 AM UTC

    The Instructions for Idaho SET 2018 - aka "Operation Idaho Amateur Radio Census" are posted on the Home Page at: about 0ne-third of the way down the page. Hope to hear from you during the next 30 days! 73, Ed AI7H Idaho Section Manager

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section ManagerNews, article 68, posted by Edward Stuckey (AI7H)

  • Welcome to Richard Dees (W7BOI)

    Posted on Sep 27, 2018 10:57 PM UTC

    September 27, 2018 RE: Idaho ARES Assistant Emergency Coordinator (ASEC) ARES Members: I’m pleased to announce appointment of Mr. Richard Dees (W7BOI) to the position of ARES Assistant Emergency Coordinator (ASEC). Richard will be working with Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) Marty Edwards (AK7ME) to facilitate the implementation of the “New ARES” program and the “ARES Connect” database, and with other Section level ARES business. Richard has served as a career officer in the United States Air Force, has held several public sector positions in Municipal governments, and brings a wealth of experience from those activities. Additionally, Rich is active as an American Legion official in southern Idaho. You may contact him via e-mail, Rich will be contacting ARES members in Idaho regarding projects and activities. He may also be recruiting assistants for some of his projects, so please allow him the greatest of courtesy by volunteering to help. 73, Ed AI7H

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section ManagerNews, article 67, posted by Edward Stuckey (AI7H)


    Posted on Jun 14, 2018 11:10 PM UTC

    FEMA Region X (10), headquartered in Bothell, Washington, will exercise 5 MHz interoperability channels, as an option for disasters and emergencies, on the opening day of ARRL Field Day, Saturday, June 23, 1400 - 2000 UTC. Frequencies are 5.330.5, 5.346.5, and 5.403.5 MHz (USB). Stations from FEMA, the Department of Homeland Security, the US Army, Air Force, and Coast Guard, and the National Weather Service, and Amateur Radio stations will attempt to make contact on the three channels to test interoperability for a major disaster that significantly compromises the telecommunications infrastructure. FEMA Region X will use the call sign WGY-910. Although this exercise takes place over Field Day weekend, it’s a FEMA exercise and not an official part of Field Day, which does not give credit for 60 meter contacts.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 66, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • Nez Perce County ARES Net

    Posted on May 03, 2018 5:44 AM UTC

    Sunday May 6th @ 1830 Local. Nez Perce County ARES will be starting a weekly net on the Teakan Butte Repeater. The current call sign on repeater is NA7EM. We are working with the frequency coordinator to update this information. Frequency is 145.210 -0.6off and the PL is 206.5 (may not be available on some older radios) This repeater has some coverage in Moscow and the Camas Prairie. 73, Ty, W7TML

    Idaho ARES District 2: North Central Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 65, posted by Ty Williams (W7TML)

  • FEMA SHARES COMMEX 3rd Wednesday of Month through 2018

    Posted on Jan 11, 2018 3:33 PM UTC

    SHARES Community,

    On January 17, 2018, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington) will conduct a Communications Exercise (COMMEX).  This exercise will use the 60-meter channels and will test and exercise interoperable communication (federal/state/local/tribal/Amateur Radio) for use during a major disaster in which the conventional telecommunication infrastructure has been significantly damaged or destroyed.  This COMMEX will take place every third Wednesday for the year of 2018 from 1500Z – 2100Z (10 AM EST – 4 PM EST).

    FEMA Region 10 will use the call sign WGY910.  Other stations that may take part include, but are not limited to, other FEMA stations, DHS, USCG, SHARES DoD, and National Weather Service.  Stations (both federal and amateur) associated with agencies and organizations that provide response support in accordance with the National Response Framework are encouraged to participate.

    The COMMEX will use all five 60-meter dial frequencies: 5,330.5 kHz; 5,346.5 kHz; 5,357.0 kHz; 5,371.5 kHz, and 5,403.5 kHz as part of the exercise.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 64, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • New Content on FEMA - IOEM Page

    Posted on Oct 17, 2017 9:28 PM UTC

    The following downloadable pdf documents have  been added to the FEMA - IOEM page, which is found under the Resources menu:

    • Auxiliary Communications Field Operations Guide (2016)
    • National Incident Management System - Incident Command System Field Guide (Edition 2)
    • National Emergency Communications Plan (2014)
    • Idaho Emergency Operations Plan (2015)

    The following downloadable pdf document, which was just released by FEMA, was added on 17 October 2017:

    • National Incident Management System (2017)

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 63, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • FEMA Resources

    Posted on Oct 02, 2017 5:11 PM UTC

    The Resources menu has been updated to gather all FEMA related information onto a single page.

    On the FEMA page, you will find links to Incident Command System (ICS) training, fillable ICS forms in pdf format, FEMA compatible Prowords, the FMEA National Interoperability Field Guide, and more...

    To visit the FEMA information page on the Idaho ARES web-site, click here.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 62, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • Idaho Amateur Radio Simulated Emergency Test (SET) 2017

    Posted on Sep 20, 2017 10:50 PM UTC

    [B]About the Simulated Emergency Test (SET)[/B] The SET is an annual exercise sponsored by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). As implied in the name, the SET is a simulation of some sort of emergency, typically designed to test the communications capability of emergency communications groups, such as the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) and the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES). The SET normally takes place in each ARRL Section (in our case, Idaho). This is a voluntary exercise, Sections and individual Amateur Radio operators may choose if they wish to play. Traditionally, the SET takes place sometime during the fourth quarter of the calendar year, typically on a weekend. The ARRL has a set of “rules” (somewhat like an operating contest), but Sections may depart from that format, if desired. [B]The SET in Idaho[/B] We have conducted these exercises for the past several years in the Idaho Section. The exercises have been “unique” (different each year), to test various aspects of emergency communications in our state. This year (2017) we have the following objectives: 1. To test “connectivity” with Amateur Radio operators in Idaho 2. To exercise our ARES/RACES units, National Traffic System operators, and individual Amateur Radio operators in the preparation and transmission of messages in the ICS-213 format or ARRL Radiogram format, as appropriate. 3. To evaluate the accuracy of messages transmitted by participants. 4. To simulate some bureaucracy (like following complicated instructions and completing an administrative activity) that might be encountered in an actual emergency communications situation. 5. To validate the status of Amateur Radio operators in the Idaho ARES database (located at [B]Initial Contact for this SET[/B] We will send a message to everyone (in “Active” status) in the Idaho ARES Database asking if they wish to participate in Idaho SET 2017. This will test for any Amateur Radio operators who do not wish to participate, and for e-mail “bounces”. After we have a list in hand of those who wish to participate, we will send them a second message that gives specific instructions on their task assignment. And, we will contact many other Amateur Radio operators in Idaho as an “outreach” to a broad cross-section of communications talent available in the Section. [B]What will be in the Second Message[/B] Each participant will receive a second message containing a “fairly easy” unique question (may not be related to Amateur Radio), and a unique code phrase. The answer to the question and repeat-back of the code phrase will be used to evaluate how everyone did on navigating the bureaucracy and following instructions. [B]Timing/Timeline[/B] An initial contact message will be sent by 09/30. All who wish to participate are asked to reply by 10/10. A second message will be sent to everyone by 10/15. Participants are encouraged to send their second reply by 10/30, although the door will remain open for stragglers until 11/15. We plan to complete the after-action report for this exercise by 12/01. [B]How to send your reply message(s)[/B] It is OK to send all information via e-mail. All e-mails should be addressed to Participants are encouraged to aggregate their message traffic (by ARES group, for example) and send that aggregate as a single message. Transmission by radio is also encouraged, and ARES groups might utilize this SET as an opportunity to practice on-the-air transmission of ICS-213 formatted messages. HF CW or digital transmission is also encouraged, and a schedule of “transmission windows” will be provided separately. [B]Final Instructions[/B] While speed is always a good thing, we are concentrating on accuracy for this exercise. And it’s OK to have a good time. 73 and Good Hamming! Ed, AI7H Post Falls, ID Edward Stuckey, AI7H Idaho Section Manager ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio™ Phone: (208) 457-0354h, (208) 699-7743c Email: or

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section ManagerNews, article 61, posted by Edward Stuckey (AI7H)

  • FEMA Call Signs on Amateur Radio

    Posted on Sep 06, 2017 5:00 PM UTC

    The following call signs are assigned for FEMA operations.  If these call signs appear on an EMCOM NET, they should be given higher priority entry into the NET than standard Amateur Radio stations.


    Note that each of these call signs has the word FEMA contained within the call sign, with the call district numerical designator inserted after the letter F.

    Note that each of these call signs has the word FEMA contained within the call sign.

    This block of 40 call signs are to be considered as Federal, and are used only for emergency use.  Use of these call signs is most likely to be encountered on the interoperability frequencies that comprise the 60-meter band.

    This information originated from the FEMA SHARES National Teleconference of 5 September 2017.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 60, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • Eastern Idaho Eclipse Operations Summary and Feedback

    Posted on Aug 25, 2017 7:45 PM UTC

    Fellow ARES/RACES Operators, One thing is for sure – no one in Eastern Idaho could have missed the spectacle in the sky which was the total eclipse of the sun that occurred this past Monday. From an astronomy perspective, what a unique opportunity and certainly a sight to behold! We truly hope you got the chance to enjoy this once in a lifetime event, and didn’t suffer too much from the resulting traffic jams! Something else that hasn’t happened for quite a while is that volunteer ARES/RACES amateur radio operators were activated and deployed across much of Eastern Idaho, supporting their local County Emergency Management Officials, as well as Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS and other served agencies. In this area operators from Bonneville, Fremont, Jefferson, Madison and Teton Counties worked together to support communications needs at remote incident command posts for Sheriff’s Offices, manned stations located at viewing locations such as parks, or staffed radios in hospitals, fire stations and emergency operations centers. Local repeaters were very busy with some being dedicated to passing official traffic both within specific counties, as well as passing traffic between counties. Volunteer operators such as yourselves committed significant time in preparing for and participating in this activation - and we are very grateful to those that actively participated. From what we have heard – the experience that these operators gained was a valuable training lesson for all involved. We certainly learned from the experience! Based upon actual feedback from the counties and agencies we served, this past eclipse weekend was a spectacular success – and our value as amateur radio operators to the first responder community was recognized and appreciated in a big way. We want to build upon this success and keep building upon the recognition and momentum that we have gained as an ARES/RACES community of professionals. We couldn’t have done this without the cooperation of all amateur radio operators in this area, whether you are an ARES/RACES member, an LDS Church Emergency Response Communications (ERC) member – or whether you chose to hang out and enjoy the eclipse – it truly took a community wide effort – and we thank you for playing your part – big or small. You are encouraged to forward this email to other ham radio operators that may not have received it through official ARES/RACES channels, and you are also encouraged to visit to update your profile with current email addresses and phone numbers. If you aren’t yet a member of ARES and/or RACES – please go to the website and select “Register New Member” under the “Members” menu at the top of the page, we would love to add you to the roster and get you involved in similar future events! Having current contact information for the local amateur radio community is paramount to the success of our organization and to events such as the past week, and is also very helpful for ensuring that you receive the most recent information on training, meetings or emergency activations. We also would like to hear your feedback – so send your comments, observations or suggestions to the County Emergency Coordinator listed below for your county. Respectfully yours, District Six ARES/RACES Leadership Team Bonneville County - Steve Taylor (KC7IHV) Fremont County – Len Humphries (N7SN) Jefferson County – Marty Edwards (AK7ME) Madison County – Todd Smith (N7TMS) Teton County – David Dean (AE7ID)

    Idaho ARES Jefferson County Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 59, posted by Marty Edwards (AK7ME)

  • St. Lukes McCall - Amateur Radio Station On-line

    Posted on Aug 19, 2017 6:04 PM UTC

    The permanent installation of the Amateur Radio station at St. Lukes hospital in McCall has been completed.  This station is intended to support EMCOM logistical communications, through staffing by both Idaho ARES and Central Idaho Amateur Radio Club amateur radio operators, during disaster, civil emergency and exercise events.

    It is hoped that Idaho ARES and other local Amateur Radio clubs are able to support the completion of similar installations at other St. Lukes facilities, leading to the construction of network capability among St. Lukes hospitals, and in the process, advancing both Amateur Radio capabilities and involvement in supporting St. Lukes and other served agencies in a time of need.

    For more information, please see the article posted on the Central Idaho Amateur Radio Club web-site by clicking here.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 58, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • Eclipse 2017

    Posted on Aug 17, 2017 6:29 PM UTC

    An ICS-205 form, containing the communications frequency planning for the August 21st Eclipse, is now available by selecting the Eclipse - 21 August 2017 menu item under the Activities menu, or by clicking here. It is recommended that Amateur Radio operators participating in public service communications in support of the Solar Eclipse, review this document for the latest information on frequency assignments that are coordinated with the Idaho Office of Emergency Management (IOEM). This document will be updated in the event that any changes occur to the frequency planning.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 57, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • Solar Eclipse 08/21/17

    Posted on Jun 29, 2017 2:26 AM UTC

    As you may already know, a Solar Eclipse will sweep across southern Idaho on the morning of August 21. A fairly narrow "swath" will experience the eclipse "in totality", but all of us in Idaho will have 80% or more "coverage" of the sun's disc by the moon. It won't last very long but should be quite dramatic. Here is a link to a little movie that shows the impact (darkening) in your area, as well as the "coverage" of the sun: You can select any location by zip code or name. More general information is available at including how to order inexpensive solar viewing glasses. It is estimated that there may be 500,000 visitors to southern Idaho for this event. Our ARES units in several Counties are geared up to assist their County Emergency managers with communications, as needed. (The concern is that there will be a lot of tourists trying to get the perfect photo, resulting in traffic jams). Cautions for all readers: 1) NEVER attempt to view the sun directly without solar viewing glasses! 2) Be aware of erratic activity by motorists who are either trying to drive to the perfect place for viewing or are confused by what is going on. 73 and good hamming to all! Ed Stuckey, AI7H Idaho Section Manager or

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section ManagerNews, article 56, posted by Edward Stuckey (AI7H)

  • 2017 Amateur Radio Proclamation from the Governor

    Posted on May 29, 2017 1:33 AM UTC

    June 19-25, 2017, has been proclaimed [b]Amateur Radio Week[/b] by Governor Butch Otter. The proclamation can be viewed or downloaded from the [b]Idaho ARES[/b] menu on the Idaho ARES web-site. This document may be of interest to Field Day operators. Thank you to the HP Boise Amateur Radio Club for successfully making application to the office of the Governor.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 55, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • Armed Forces Day -2017

    Posted on Apr 28, 2017 3:39 PM UTC

    Amateur Radio operators wishing to participate in Armed Forces Day 2017, to be held on May 13, can view appropriate documentation and instructions by selecting the [b]Armed Forces Day - 2017[/b] menu item that is found in the [b]Special Events[/b] section under the [b]Activities[/b] menu on the Idaho ARES web-site.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 54, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • ARES and EMCOMM at the Idaho State Convention

    Posted on Apr 14, 2017 7:20 PM UTC

    The Idaho State Ham Convention will be held April 21st, 22nd, and 23rd at the Windom Gardens Hotel and Convention Center at I-84 and Vista in Boise, near the airport. It used to be the Holiday inn Holidome. There will be much of interest for ARES Members and event communications enthusiasts. Friday at 5:00pm there will be an ARES Forum. [B]All ARES members are welcome![/B] You do not need to attend the convention to come. We will be in the Brundage room, between the front desk and pool area. Come put faces to the voices, share what you are doing in your county, and learn what the rest of the state is doing. There are several seminars of interest on Saturday if you are attending the convention. EMCOMM Forum, and Lightning Protection Seminar - Ed Stuckey, AI7H, Idaho Section Manager IOEM , RACES, ARES - Bob Wells, KF7TWO, Idaho Office of Emergency Management Digital Mobile Radio - Larry Stokes, N7IBC, ARES SEC, and Al Duddles, WA7GSK NextNet - Ben Ealey, Idaho OEM (NextNet is the new 1st responder communications system under development.) BroadBand over Hamnet - Dan Woodall, N7DKW (A WiFi mode for Hams) Online registration at $15 ends Saturday April 15. Cost at the door is $20. See for details. Hope to see you there, Dan Dan Woodall, N7DKW ID ARES Dist 3 DEC

    Idaho ARES District 3: South West Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 53, posted by Daniel Woodall (N7DKW)

  • Operating Tips and Idaho 2-Meter Band-Pan

    Posted on Feb 10, 2017 7:11 PM UTC

    Visitors to the Idaho ARES Web-Site are now presented with an Operating Tip, which is pulled randomly from a growing database of operating tips when the home page is visited or refreshed.  Operating Tip #37, which discusses simplex frequencies that are available on the 2-Meter band, in conformance to the 2-Meter Band-Plan have also been published on a dedicated page.  The content of the Operating Tip article #37 is also available by selecting the Idaho 2-Meter Band-Plan SIMPLEX menu item under the Resources menu.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 52, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • 2016 Final

    Posted on Jan 02, 2017 6:38 AM UTC

    I would like to say thank you to all of the Idaho ARES members who participated in the program during 2016. During 2016, there was substantial growth in the program in numerous counties and districts. As of December 31, 2016, there are currently 513 licensed Amateur Radio Operators in Idaho who have signed up for the Idaho ARES program. As I took over on July 1, 2016 as the Idaho Section Emergency Coordinator, I am unsure how many members there were at the end of 2015. Each month I see new member requests from all over the state. During 2016, there were several large scale EMCOMM exercises in which ARES members participated, and which in my opinion were successful in varying degrees. As I have said before, I am new at the SEC position and learn new things all the time as related to emergency communications. If anyone has ideas with regard to training, or wishes to become involved in their operational area in a position as CEC or AEC, and there is an opening, please let me know. Again, my thanks to all who all who are involved in the Idaho ARES program. It could not be accomplished without each and everyone of you. Larry Stokes-N7IBC Idaho ARES Section Emergency Coordinator

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 51, posted by Larry Stokes (N7IBC)

  • New EMCOMM Net available

    Posted on Feb 06, 2017 3:43 PM UTC

    This news update is to let everyone in the state who has signed up for the Idaho ARES program and has HF capability about a new EMCOMM net which is being held on 60 Meters. This net is known as the Five Dot Three net. This net is conducted during the day and on some evenings during the week. It is an interoperability net conducted out of Washington State specifically using the 60 meter band. The net control operator is AF7OK out of central Washington State. The net will primarily be conducted on 5.330.50 Khz, USB, otherwise known as Channel 1. The alternate will be 5.346.50 Khz, USB, otherwise known as Channel 2. If you have not operated on the 60 Meter band as yet, please refer to the ARRL for information specifically related to transmitting on this band, as it has different operating procedures as dictated by the FCC. U.S. Amateur radio operators are secondary users with the primary user being the US Government. The location for the net information, can be found on this website under activities, and under statewide nets. That information includes days of the week and the times for the net. Below is the link to the information: [a][a/]Five Dot Three NET[/a] Please attend this EMCOMM net to show that Idaho ARES supports the interstate and intrastate HF interoperability programs. Thank you, Larry Stokes-N7IBC Idaho ARES Section Emergency Coordinator

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 50, posted by Larry Stokes (N7IBC)

  • Interoperability Test on 60 Meter band

    Posted on Dec 07, 2016 11:27 PM UTC

    December 7, 2016 Notification of Interoperability Test by FEMA TO: Idaho ARES personnel Date: December 21, 2016 Time: 1700Z—1800Z Designated Frequency: 60 Meter band, (5.330.50 USB) Net Control Station: WGY 910, FEMA—(Bothel Island, Washington) FEMA has announced an interoperability test to be conducted on 12/21/2016, between 1700Z and 1800Z, on the 60 Meter band, using 5.330.50 and USB, (Upper Sideband). Stations from FEMA, SHARES, MARS, and the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary will participate. Amateur radio stations involved with the ARES program have been asked to participate as well. If you are a General or Extra class operator and have 60 Meter band capability, please take note. Amateur radio stations who do participate are advised to follow the FCC regulation of no more than 100 Watts output power with their radio stations. All amateur radio stations participating should also remember that the amateur radio service are secondary users on the 60 Meter band, and if asked to cease operations by a primary user, (US Government), they should do so immediately. All traffic during the interoperability test will be conducted via net control, callsign: WGY910. If any further information is published before the above test, I will forward it prior to the day of the test. This test is an excellent opportunity for ARES members to communicate with Federal, state and other organizations via HF radio. Thank you, Larry Stokes- N7IBC Idaho ARES SEC

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 49, posted by Larry Stokes (N7IBC)

  • No Idaho ARES/RACES Net on Thanksgiving Day

    Posted on Nov 19, 2016 7:05 PM UTC

    Idaho ARES/RACES Members and Friends, We will not hold the Idaho ARES/RACES HF Net on Thursday, 11/24 (Thanksgiving Day), so that participants may participate in traditional Thanksgiving Day activities. "Business As Usual" resumes the following Thursday, 12/01. Thanks for all you do, and 73, Ed AI7H Post Falls, ID Edward Stuckey, AI7H Idaho Section Manager ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio™ Phone: (208) 457-0354 Email:

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section ManagerNews, article 48, posted by Edward Stuckey (AI7H)

  • 2016 Idaho ARES SET Scavenger Hunt: How to Organize a County Team

    Posted on Oct 04, 2016 9:53 PM UTC

    There are, probably, as many ways to organize a County Team as there are Teams to organize! But if I were organizing a Team for the 2016 Idaho ARES SET Scavenger Hunt, here's how I'd do it. The focal point of the County Team is the (Simulated) County EOC which will, equipment and band conditions permitting, have HF radio contact with the (Simulated) State EOC located in Latah County. The County EOC will also have VHF capability to stay in touch with the Field Units. The List of Items for the Scavenger Hunt will be received and managed by the County EOC. As Field Units are ready for an assignment, the EOC will radio one of the list items to a specific unit for completion. It is important that the Simulated County EOC keep track of where the Field Units are located so they can most efficiently assign list items. Each list item only needs to be addressed by ONE Field Unit per County Team. The County Team will have several Field Units. Realistically, one is enough but it will take a long time for one Unit to find all the items. More than five is probably too many and consideration should be given to splitting the County Team into two parts, each with a (Simulated) County EOC and it's own set of Field Units. IF this is done, PLEASE be sure the State EOC in Latah County is aware of what you are doing and have separate and distinct names for each of the teams! As the Field Units are assigned items from the List they will travel to wherever is needed to complete the item, gather the requisite information, and radio it back to the (Simulated) County EOC. The County EOC will then forward the information to the (Simulated) State EOC, preferably by radio, but using whatever works (see previous Blog entries). A Head's Up: There is a chance that one or more of the items will require GPS coordinates--which means at least some of the Field Units will need to have a GPS. Please set your GPS to use Degrees/Minutes/Seconds. We will be using the NAD27 Datum. If you don't know what that is, odds are your GPS is already using it! But if you can check the datum setting on your GPS, that would be a plus. In a true emcomm situation the State EOC will probably be requiring information from the County EOCs. The County EOCs will, very likely, have to send someone to get the information. One purpose of this year's SET is to simulate that eventuality with emphasis on local Team and Unit cooperation and coordination. Another purpose of this year's SET is to Have Fun! After all, we're Amateur Radio. If we aren't Having Fun, we aren't doing it right! 73 bill ward K9GRZ Idaho SAEC for Training and SETs Latah County AEC

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 47, posted by William Ward (K9GRZ)

  • 2016 SET, How to Report Scavenger Hunt Information

    Posted on Sep 27, 2016 11:41 PM UTC

    The 2016 Idaho ARES SET is less than 3 weeks away on October 15! Plans should be in place in each County for establishing a simulated EOC (or using a real EOC) with both HF and VHF capability, and Field Teams should be designated to go find the information requested in the Scavenger Hunt requests. Earlier I gave instructions on how to get the list of Scavenger Hunt requests. This notice provides instructions on how to return the results of the Scavenger Hunt to the simulated state EOC in Latah County. The simulated EOC will be as flexible as conditions allow to receive your reports. For those who can access the Moscow Mtn Repeater (146.82) either directly or via the Mica Peak link, we will be monitoring and accepting reports on VHF. For those with HF voice capability, we will be monitoring and accepting reports on either 3929 or 7229, depending on conditions. For those with HF digital capability, we will be monitoring PSK31 on 3578.5, 500 on the waterfall and will accept reports on PSK31, if needed. Preferred, however, is to establish contact on PSK31 then switch to RMS Express P2P and send the report as an attached ICS 213 form. For those who have either HF or VHF digital and can send an email from their radio to a Winlink node, reports can be sent to K9GRZ on Winlink. If all else fails, regular email can be sent to (my call sign) When possible, reports should be sent using the ICS 213. For this exercise we will be using the "plain Jane" ICS 213 not one of the modified versions. Since not all people have the same modified form, we need stick to what we all can use. Information from multiple requests can be submitted on one ICS 213, or information from several requests can be combined. Please limit the length of the form by not including too many items at once! Hopefully, all counties can make one of these methods work! If not, feel free to contact me at (my call sign) and we'll try and work out something else! I hope to be hearing from many, many, Idaho Counties on October 15! 73 bill ward K9GRZ Idaho SAEC for Training and SETs

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 46, posted by William Ward (K9GRZ)

  • 2016 SET, How to Get Scavenger Hunt Information

    Posted on Sep 15, 2016 1:52 AM UTC

    As posted previously, the 2016 Idaho SET will be a radio based Scavenger Hunt. In order to play, each Team has to know what the Scavenger Hunt items are. Truth be told, and maybe it's obvious, it's really, REALLY, hard to find items of information if you don't know what information is requested! At the beginning of the Exercise, 1400Z, the list will be available by several communications methods. First, as soon as the digital net is established using PSK31, we will send a LONG message (for PSK31) to everyone on the net that includes the items sought. Second, any Team requesting an RMS P2P delivery of the items will be sent an RMS P2P message with the information--assuming we are able to link to your station. Third, any Team that is unable to receive an RMS P2P can give us their call sign (digitally or by voice) and request the List be sent to them at their WinLink 2K email address. Forth, any Team that does not have digital capability can request the List be sent via conventional email. We might send it using RMS and WinLink 2000, we might send it on simple email--but if you give us your email address, we'll send the information. There are two ways to get your email address to us: send it to us on the voice net (assuming propagation allows us to do that) or send me an email ahead of time requesting the information be emailed to you. You can send the request to "my call sign" Call sign listed below. You can send a request for the list at any time, starting now. The list will be sent out on conventional email, as requested, shortly before the Exercise starts. The point scoring system just might include bonus points for receiving the list using amateur digital means. In case you want extra points . . . ! It is my sincere desire that no Team be left out simply because they do not have the List. If none of the above methods work for you, contact me! We'll work something out! Every bit of feedback I've gotten on this Exercise is that it should be ton of fun! Put a Team together and come play! More info will be provided as we get closer. For now, think about how you can get the List, and take appropriate actions to make sure you have it on October 15! 73 bill ward K9GRZ Latah County AEC Idaho SAEC for SETs and Training

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 45, posted by William Ward (K9GRZ)

  • 2016 Annual Idaho ARES Fall SET

    Posted on Sep 08, 2016 4:06 PM UTC

    QST QST QST! The Annual Idaho Fall SET will be October 15 from 1400 to 2100 Z. Exercise Activity: Scavenger Hunt Primary statewide operating frequencies: HF Voice: 3929 or 7229 HF Digital: 3578.5 on the dial Digital Modes: PSK31 (500 on the waterfall) RMS P2P and Winlink 2K In an actual emcomm event, pretty much all ARES operators will be part of a team/net. This exercise is intended to also be a TEAM event. Each county team should have one HF station to talk to the simulated Idaho EOC (in Latah County) and one or more mobile stations available to go scavenge information from the community. At the beginning of the exercise a list of approximately 20 information requests will be provided by the EOC. Each team should send mobile units out to gather the information and radio it back to the team HF station who will then forward the information to the EOC. ALL COMMUNICATIONS SHOULD USE AMATEUR RADIO! Any band, any mode, can be used within the Teams, communications with the EOC should be on the freqs above. A point system will be developed to reward digital communications. Grand Prize for the highest point total will be Bragging Rights! Gold medallions would be better but would exceed our budget for the exercise (the budget is $0.00). Get your Teams ready and come out to play in the ARES Scavenger Hunt! More information will be made available as the exercise gets closer. thanks and 73 bill ward K9GRZ Idaho SAEC for SETs and Training Latah County AEC

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 44, posted by William Ward (K9GRZ)

  • ISAWS Membership

    Posted on Aug 24, 2016 3:34 PM UTC

    The following is information from the ISAWS web site. All ARES members in District 3 are encouraged to establish membership in ISAWS. This is the primary means of notification in an emergency. We will also start to use ISAWS to provide meeting notices in the near future. You will then receive meeting notices through ISAWS and will also report your intent to attend through that system, greatly simplifying the process. You can join ISAWS by going to [a][a/][/a] Idaho State Alert and Warning System (ISAWS) What is ISAWS? ISAWS provides for any Idahoan, including those with special needs and/or with English as a second language, to enroll for notification of emergencies and significant events which might affect them via cell phone, page, PDA’s, e-mail, home phone, or other specialty communication device (in most cases). Why enroll in ISAWS? The Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security has developed a valuable source for emergency information available to all Idahoans. This system allows the Bureau to use a wide variety of methods to contact Idahoans in case of an emergency. This includes notification of impending severe weather situations, missing children alerts (in most cases), natural and/or manmade disasters, civil emergencies and events of statewide and national significance. Enrollment is simple and Idahoans have their choice of how they would like to receive ISAWS messaging. Enrollment is voluntary and you can chose notification via cell phone, email, home phone, mobile devices such as PDA’s and pagers, or any combination of the preceding. You may also choose between voice and text messaging, or both. What if I have special needs? The system has been developed to alert Idahoans with special needs and/or with English as a second language. Simply make note of your situation when you enroll. If you wish to provide contact information for a caregiver, space has been provided for you to do so. Enrollment in this valuable system is easy. Simply follow the sign-up link below to enter your preferences and begin receiving emergency notifications. Your information is secure and not shared with any other organization or group (with the exception of emergency preparedness and response service providers for emergency planning purposes). Be sure to include the address of your primary residence. This “geocodes” your entry and enables the system to use zip codes or highlight an area on a map to quickly alert all registered ISAWS users who reside in that zip code or highlighted area. Thanks Dennis Stewart N7STU

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 43, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • District 3 Simplex Exercise Monday 8/22/16

    Posted on Aug 22, 2016 6:53 PM UTC

    We will hold a simplex communication exercise instead of our regular net Monday 8/22/16. East and West Treasure Valley and the Counties will form resource nets at May 23, 02:30 Tuesday Zulu time. (8:30 Monday evening Local time.) The Local resource nets will assign an HF Liaison station to contact District Net Control. Follow the process and frequency plans in your copy of the ARES Guidebook. A district wide email has the details.

    Idaho ARES District 3: South West Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 42, posted by Daniel Woodall (N7DKW)

  • Idaho BHS Name Change

    Posted on Jun 28, 2016 9:48 PM UTC

    The Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security will be changing its name to Idaho Office of Emergency Management on July 1st. The web site will also change to For details in the press release see: or Thanks and 73, Dan Dan Woodall, N7DKW Idaho ARES Dist 3 DEC

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 41, posted by Daniel Woodall (N7DKW)

  • Field Day

    Posted on Jun 24, 2016 3:50 PM UTC

    Come and join us on the the air. Owyhee Co. ARES is sponsoring a Field day on Sat. June 25 from 10-4 at the Marsing Island Park on the North side of the bridge. Hope to see you here.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 40, posted by Marlene Moore (KF6YNC)

  • Cascadia Rising

    Posted on Jun 06, 2016 1:38 AM UTC

    Hello Idaho ARES Members: Cascadia rising is approaching soon and many Counties are playing during the exercise on June 9th. For those of you that are playing please remember the frequencies: • 3.578.50 MHZ Digital PSK31 and WINMOR RMS P2P • 3929 KHZ LSB • 7220 KHZ LSB alternate if band goes away • 146.500 Simplex unless using local repeaters until they say no more repeaters (better plan on simplex) If no one has started a Net, do so and operate until relieved. Plan on traffic in and out from your EOC, maybe via VHF link, then HF to NCS, or the reverse. Traffic should be sent to one of our NCS Stations, or your EOC as required. The NCS Stations are WC7ID in Boise, and K9GRZ in Central Idaho. Messages will be relayed back and forth between those stations as needed. You may talk to both stations. All Repeaters may be shut down, all internet connections may be shut down, and all electricity may be shut down. The Evaluators in each EOC have special instructions to make it difficult, so be prepared. I cannot play during this exercise, but I will be manning the Boundary County EOC as Public Information Officer. I am not allowed to give you further instructions, and cannot tell you what to do. You are on your own to figure it out as I know you will. Good luck to all of you, and thank you for all you do. Michael N. Meier WB7RBH ARRL Idaho Sec & PIC

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 39, posted by Michael Meier (WB7RBH)

  • Red Cross and ARES Sign Cooperative Agreement

    Posted on May 26, 2016 9:36 PM UTC

    The Red Cross has signed a Statement Of Understanding with the New York ARES, to provide emergency logistical / support communications for the next 5-years. For more details, see: [a][a/]Red Cross and ARES Sign Cooperative Agreement[/a] This article has been posted at the request of Mike Meier, Idaho Section Emergency Coordinator.

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 38, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • MARS Comex May 7 1200 - 2400 Z

    Posted on May 04, 2016 8:54 PM UTC

    MARS, the Military Amateur Radio Service, will be holding a communications exercise (comex) this Saturday, May 7, from 1200 to 2400 Z. ARES has been asked to participate. I have very little information but will pass on what I know. The purpose of the comex is to gather data from each county during a simulated loss of normal communications and utilities. Emergency radio power is preferred, but stations that do not have emergency power are still invited to play using conventional power sources. From the information I have received about the exercise: "The information most sought for these exercises is weather (WXOBS) and county status info (power, water, sanitation, EMS, comms availability, etc.) We like to contact the local amateurs and request actual conditions for our reports." Please note that actual conditions are requested so there is no need to fabricate a disaster scenario! During a similar exercise in March the MARS station called a QST on the ARES frequencies every hour to request ARES members to check in. I assume they will follow the same procedure for this exercise. Since this will be a voice exercise the freqs are [B]3929 and 7229 MHz[/B], depending on band conditions. If I receive additional information before the exercise I will forward it. Regardless, we should be discussing the exercise during the regular Thursday HF net tomorrow, May 5. I realize the notice is short and the details are lacking. In spite of that I hope many of our ARES members are able to participate. Look at it this way: It's an opportunity to fire up our expensive radio toys and play with them! And, please remember: We're Radio Amateurs so if we aren't having fun, we aren't doing it right! Thanks and 73 bill ward K9GRZ Latah County AEC Idaho Section AEC for Training and SETs

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 37, posted by William Ward (K9GRZ)

  • Installing RMS Express on Mac OS X

    Posted on Apr 29, 2016 4:16 AM UTC

    An article has been posted to provide instruction on installing RMS Express, under the Wine environment, on Mac OS X. See the [b]Winlink 2000 - RMS Express[/b] article that is found in the [b]Tutorials[/b] section under the resource menu, or go to [a][a/][/a]. It is recommended that Mac OS X users run the application unregistered. You will need to dismiss a dialog box to run in this mode, but function should otherwise be available.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 36, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • Statewide and Latah County Cascadia Exercise Plans

    Posted on Mar 06, 2016 6:44 PM UTC

    One the Cascadia information page, about half way down, I've added two postings describing training plans for the Cascadia Exercise. As the Idaho Section Assistant Emergency Coordinator for Trainings and SETs, I've posted information briefly describing a statewide penetration exercise that will be initiated during the Thursday, June 9, HF net. As a Latah County AEC, I've posted information regarding the specific plans for Latah County in the hopes that it will generate interest and/or spur ideas for exercises in other counties. Cascadia is a great opportunity for us, as ARES members and teams, to both hone our skills and to demonstrate our capabilities to our Served Agencies. I strongly encourage ALL counties to take advantage of the opportunity and plan an exercise! Bill Ward K9GRZ Idaho SAEC for Training and SETs Latah County AEC

    Idaho ARES Latah County Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 35, posted by William Ward (K9GRZ)

  • Kim Komando Show Links
  • Cascadia Rising Exercise Page Posted

    Posted on Jan 27, 2016 6:49 PM UTC

    Information and resources available for the [b]Cascadia Rising Exercise[/b] have been posted to the Idaho ARES web-site. To access the [b]Cascadia Rising[/b] page, please select the [b]Cascadia Rising[/b] menu item found in the [b]Exercises[/b] column under the [b]Activities[/b] menu on the Idaho ARES web-site.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 33, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • Cascadia Rising Exercise 7-10 June 2016

    Posted on Jan 26, 2016 8:09 PM UTC

    The Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) earthquake and tsunami is one of the most complex disaster scenarios that emergency management and public safety officials face in the Pacific Northwest. Scientific evidence indicates that a magnitude 8.0-9.0 earthquake occurs along the 800-mile long CSZ fault on average once every 200 to 500 years. The last major earthquake and tsunami along the fault occurred over 300 years ago in 1700. Recent subduction zone earthquakes around the world underscore the catastrophic impacts we will face when the next CSZ earthquake and tsunami occurs in our region: Recent Subduction Zone Earthquakes Indonesia (2004): M9.1 --- 228,000 fatalities Chile (2010): M8.8 --- 500 fatalities Japan (2011): M9.0 --- 18,000 fatalities Conducting successful life-saving and life-sustaining response operations in the aftermath of a Cascadia Subduction Zone disaster will hinge on the effective coordination and integration of governments at all levels – cities, counties, state agencies, federal officials, the military, tribal nations – as well as non-government organizations and the private sector. One of the primary goals of Cascadia Rising is to train and test this whole community approach to complex disaster operations together as a joint team. The culminating event will be a four-day functional exercise to occur June 7-10, 2016. Emergency Operations and Coordination Centers (EOC/ECCs) at all levels of government and the private sector will activate to coordinate simulated field response operations both within their jurisdictions and also with neighboring communities, state EOCs, FEMA, and major military commands. SOURCE: [a][a/][/a]

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 32, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • Operating Tips Page

    Posted on Jan 22, 2016 7:15 PM UTC

    An [b]Operating Tips[/b] page has been added to the Idaho ARES web-site. This page can be accessed by selecting the [b]Operating Tips[/b] menu item, found under the [b]ARES Procedures[/b] section under the [b]Training[/b] menu. The [b]Operating Tips[/b] page intends to provide instruction on operating practices, and NET awareness, toward improving the efficiency and throughput of NET operations. Additional content will be added as content becomes available.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 31, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • National Interoperability Field Operations Guide

    Posted on Jan 19, 2016 8:49 PM UTC

    The National Interoperability Field Operations Guide, a publication of the Department of Homeland Security, is now available by selecting the [b]NIFOG[/b] menu item that is found in the [b]Frequency List[/b] section under the [b]Resources[/b] menu. Portions of this document include Amateur Radio emergency communications frequencies, as well as FCC band allocation information. As a national resource, this document should be considered when constructing emergency communications plans so that such plans can be made interoperable on the national level.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 30, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • Idaho ARES/RACES Digital Net

    Posted on Nov 11, 2015 9:49 PM UTC

    Thank you to our bold and attentive NCS Operators for keeping the Idaho ARES/RACES Digital net operating. Here is the NCS Schedule: Jeff Haney AF7JX first Tuesday each month. Marlene Moore KF6YNC second Tuesday each month. Bob Glenn N7BVX third Tuesday each month. Geoff Billin KC7QCS fourth Tuesday each month. Michael Meier WB7RBH fifth Tuesday and alternate each month. Please join these Net Control Stations on 3.578.50 USB MHZ at 0200 Zulu each Tuesday night. Mode of operation for check in is PSK31 with other modes used for traffic and training. Look for the net around 500 on the waterfall and have fun supporting our new NCS Operators. 73 Michael Meier WB7RBH ARRL Idaho SEC & PIC

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 29, posted by Michael Meier (WB7RBH)

  • The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) county code

    Posted on Nov 07, 2015 1:04 AM UTC

    Information on the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) county code has been posted into the [b]Reference[/b] page found in the [b]Miscellaneous[/b] section under the [b]Resources[/b] menu. The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) county code is composed from a 2-digit state code and a 3-digit county code. The state code for Idaho is 16. County codes are usually assigned in numerical sequence, using odd numbers to accomodate changes or additions without upsetting the existing order, derived from an alphabetical ordering of counties that starts at number 1. FIPS codes are used by the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) to define geographical locations used in the Specific Area Message Encoding (SAME) protocol which is used to encode the message. Recently (November 2015), FIPS codes have also been adopted for Army MARS operations.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 28, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • 2015 Idaho SET

    Posted on Sep 03, 2015 10:03 PM UTC

    The date and activities for the 2015 Idaho SET have been established. The SET will be held on October 17, 2015. Activities are focused on establishing an integrated local VHF/state HF net and forwarding local information, gathered over the local net, to the simulated state EOC using the HF net. All of this is to help us prepare for, and test our preparedness for, the Cascadia Rising event in 2016. For additional information please go to the Idaho ARES website at, go to the Activities tab, then Statewide. A detailed description of the SET is available. If there are questions please contact me at the email address given in the detailed description of the event. You must log into the website to get my email address. 73 Bill Ward K9GRZ Idaho ARES SAEC for Training and SETs Latah County AEC

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 27, posted by William Ward (K9GRZ)

  • Bug with SignaLink and Windows OS Versions Vista and Later
  • Grand Teton Relay

    Posted on Jul 23, 2015 4:57 PM UTC

    The event coordinators for the Grand Teton Relay have reached out and asked for our help with their relay event. I need 6-8 ARES members to help support this race on the Teton Pass part of the course. The event is Aug 14-15, if you can help please contact David Dean Teton County ARES EC @ or 208-709-8279.

    Idaho ARES Teton County Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 25, posted by David Dean (W7OID)

  • 2015 Q2 Idaho mini-SET, April 11

    Posted on Mar 16, 2015 2:31 AM UTC

    On April 11, 2015, we will be having the second quarterly mini-SET for 2015. This mini-SET will follow the format of the Q1 exercise we held in January. Date: April 11, 2015 Time: 0800 – 1200 Pacific Standard Time HF Frequency: 3929 LSB or 7229 LSB (probably 7229) HF Mode: voice VHF Frequency: local option, repeater or simplex Goal To exercise, and show capability of, an integrated VHF/HF network for passing traffic locally and around the state. Pre-work ALL PARTICIPATING STATIONS are requested to come to the exercise with AT LEAST two “canned” messages, ready to transmit, with a specific recipient in mind. The recipient does NOT need to be an amateur operator nor does the recipient need to be participating in the exercise. THIS IS A MESSAGE PASSING EXERCISE! This exercise should be a lot of fun if people come properly prepared to pass traffic. Thank You to everyone for coming to the exercise properly prepared. For additional information, please to go Activities, Training, Statewide. 73 bill ward K9GRZ Idaho SAEC for Training and SETs Latah County AEC

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 24, posted by William Ward (K9GRZ)

  • Press Release

    Posted on Mar 09, 2015 11:17 PM UTC

    Press Release Recently there has been some question where the ARRL and ARES stand is on the 2nd Amendment and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. After some rogue email and forum discussion from the Eastern U.S. some clarification is needed. Here is the Official Policy regarding weapons: "Anyone seeking permission to carry weapons during an ARES deployment is to be advised that the ARRL cannot give such permission. Neither does the ARRL prohibit legal weapons, but the ARRL accepts no responsibility or liability for injury or damages to anyone as the result of possession of a weapon by an ARES volunteer. The responsibility or liability for injury or damages to anyone as a result of an individual’s possession of a weapon remains with the individual. ARES volunteers must obey all federal, state, and local laws while on deployment. When supporting a served agency, ARES volunteers must also adhere to the policies of the served agency. "The ARRL does not expect volunteers to participate in a dangerous activity or to place themselves in what they perceive to be a dangerous or unsafe environment. Volunteers should avoid or cease participating in any ARRL activity or deployment under circumstances which make them uncomfortable." As representatives of the ARRL and ARES you assume some responsibility for your actions, and are expected to always operate within the laws. Never place yourself in a dangerous situation, or in a position where your right to carry may be a problem. Use common sense and the Law to protect yourselves and our organization. Always follow the rules set forth by the agency you are working for and helping. Thank you for all you do. Michael Meier WB7RBH ARRL Idaho SEC & PIC

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 23, posted by Michael Meier (WB7RBH)

  • Real Life Emergencies ALWAYS Trump Training!

    Posted on Jan 12, 2015 12:16 AM UTC

    On Saturday, January 10, 2015, I had planned to host, as the HF net NCS, a mini-SET to practice traffic handling in a combined VHF/HF net format. I almost didn't make it to my own training! As it was, I cut the 4 hour exercise to 3 hours because I was too tired to continue. In addition to being an active member of ARES, I'm an active member of the Latah County Search and Rescue, SAR, Council. A common assignment for me during a search activation is to go down to the courthouse parking lot to hook up and prepare the command center trailer and then pull it to the search site. During the search I help staff the command center and at the end of the search I return the trailer to the parking area and store it away, ready for the next search. On Friday, January 9, 2015, at about 7PM, I received a call requesting that I bring the trailer to a search location in Kendrick, Idaho, about 30 miles across the county. The subject was a teenage boy who did not get home after school. To make matters more severe, the young man has the mental capacity of about a seven year old, it was night, and it was cold and wet weather. I left home shortly after receiving the call to take the trailer to the search. Sometime late that night, at the search site, I was talking to Geoff, KC7QCS, about the mini SET scheduled to start Saturday morning. Geoff is the Latah County ARES EC--and also a member of SAR. We were both working in the command center on the search. Neither of us knew when the search would end; both of us had planned to be part of the mini SET. We both knew, without really having to think about it, that the search was far and away more important than participating in the mini SET because Real Life Emergencies ALWAYS Trump Training! As it turns out the subject was located about 2AM, in fine health and safe. I always like it when a search turns out that way! After breaking down the command center, hauling it back to Moscow, and parking it, I didn't get home until about 4AM. I was able to open the mini SET HF net, as NCS, on time, at 8AM. After a successful mini SET with 12 operators on the HF net representing 7 different counties, 17 operators on the various VHF nets, and a considerable sum of practice traffic passed, I stopped the exercise at 11AM--an hour earlier than scheduled. After only getting about one hour of sleep, I simply was losing my ability to function as NCS and had to stop. In this particular case the real life emergency affected, but did not stop, the training exercise. There will be times when real life emergencies will cause us to cancel, or not show up for, training exercises--and that is exactly how it should be! ARES members train for emergencies. When emergencies happen we respond. It's what we do. And we all have to remember that no matter the inconvenience of aborting, cancelling, and/or rescheduling a training session-- Real Life Emergencies ALWAY Trump Training! 73 Bill Ward K9GRZ Latah County ARES AEC Idaho Section ARES SAEC

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 22, posted by William Ward (K9GRZ)

  • Nets From Oregon

    Posted on Dec 10, 2014 8:16 PM UTC

    Recently we have had several members of the Oregon Ham Community checking into our weekly Digital Net (K7KY and W7ZAP husband and wife team) and they invited out ARES Members to visit theirs, so here is the info: Orca Net each Tuesday 0330Z starting on 3.955 SSB, then moving to 3.595 Digital MFSK-32 at about 1500 on the waterfall. Visit these guys to help strengthen our Regional Ties with other groups and just for the fun of it, you may have a good time. 73 Michael Meier WB7RBH ARRL Idaho SEC & PIC

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 21, posted by Michael Meier (WB7RBH)

  • 2015 Q1 Mini-SET, January 10, 2015: An Integrated VHF/HF Net Exercise

    Posted on Nov 29, 2014 7:28 PM UTC

    Part of the feedback from the October SET was a desire for more frequent, smaller exercises with more focus on traffic handling. As a direct result of that feedback, Latah and Idaho Counties are planning a mini-SET on January 10, 2015. All counties in Idaho are welcome and encouraged to participate! Additional information on the [b]Q1 Mini SET[/b] can be viewed by selecting [b]District 2[/b] under the [b]Training[/b] column, which appears under the [b]Activities[/b] menu. Bill Ward K9GRZ Idaho ASEC for SET and Exercises Latah County AEC

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 20, posted by William Ward (K9GRZ)

  • ARES Frequencies Nation Wide

    Posted on Nov 28, 2014 10:38 PM UTC

    The list of national ARES frequencies has been moved from a News article to a web page, which is located under the [b]Resources[/b] menu and is titled: [b]ARES RACES Nation Wide Frequencies[/b]. The page also provides information on ARES districts within each state where information was available.

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 19, posted by Michael Meier (WB7RBH)

  • ARES E Letter from ARRL

    Posted on Nov 23, 2014 3:54 PM UTC

    Here is a copy of the recent e-letter from the ARRL: SET 2014 Success Stories Idaho SET Sees Upswing in Participation for 2014 Michael Meier, WB7RBH, is Idaho's Section Emergency Coordinator and Public Information Coordinator, and is always looking for ways to get more of the state's amateur community involved with public service communications, including the annual Simulated Emergency Test (SET). Meier's ARES organization plans for and participates in the SET, and tries to tailor their operation for the state's diverse geography, including mountains and plains. For the past three years, they've concentrated on message handling and the use of recognized message formats, while tracking depth and breadth of statewide participation by message totals and origins. After-Action Reports helped identify strengths and weaknesses. This year, however, was different, reported Meier. "One of the counties (Latah) was planning a county wide exercise, which involved 24 hours of operation and testing of almost all modes including voice, digital, and cw. Bill Ward, K9GRZ, the planner of this operation, wanted to know if Meier could help him recruit other counties to give them more check-ins to lend more realism. So, SEC Meier started a campaign to get the word out via numerous outlets, including the state's ARES website, and also through email, club notifications, and posted news. The SET plan developed legs, and interest grew rapidly. Planners put a net control in a tent out in the wilderness, running nominal transmitter power, portable antennas, and purposefully less-than-ideal operating conditions. "We wanted to simulate conditions realistically to hopefully see what would happen in the real world," said Meier. Stations in several counties were set up at the local EOCs, while others teamed up and "went portable" like a Field Day operation. Starting on October 11, per a previously agreed upon protocol, stations employed HF SSB for the first 20 minutes of each hour, then digital PSK31 for the next 20 minutes, and finally cw for the last 20 minutes. Stations working all three modes were kept very busy, with the operation continuing non-stop for 24 straight hours. Local ARES groups and nets were also encouraged to take VHF-UHF check-ins and relay those stations into the larger operation. Net frequencies and bands were changed smoothly on the fly as propagation and conditions dictated. When all activity and messages were tallied, Idaho had 1400 check-ins to the SET in 24 hours. On HF, 619 SSB contacts were noted from 24 Idaho counties and eight other states, with 88 individual stations participating. There were 219 cw contacts made from all six Idaho ARES Districts, eight other states and by 24 individual stations. PSK31 was popular, with 127 contacts made from 12 counties, five other states, and 31 individual stations. On VHF, 424 contacts were made by 96 stations. An overall total of 1389 contacts were made by 239 stations. According to Meier, some 5.3% of Idaho Amateur Radio operators participated, "which is outstanding," he said. "I am so inspired by our Idaho Amateur Radio operators and ARES," Meier concluded. "All of our ARES operators stepped up and conducted a fantastic SET 2014; this one is going to be hard to beat."

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 18, posted by Michael Meier (WB7RBH)

  • April 2015 Idaho District 1 Healthcare Coalition Exercise

    Posted on Aug 29, 2014 2:56 AM UTC

    Idaho District 1 Healthcare Coalition Exercise is tentatively scheduled for April 2015. This exercise is being planned by the North Idaho Healthcare Coalition and will involve hospitals, medical support agencies and members of the Healthcare Coalition within the 5 northern Idaho counties. ARES has been asked to participate and staff the amateur radios in the 5 county hospitals or other locations as may be needed for the exercise. I will coordinate between the 5 county ARES teams and the planning team. Please direct any comments, questions or concerns to me at: Dave Holten WA7DH ARES Idaho District 1 Emergency Coordinator

    Idaho ARES District 1: North Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 15, posted by Dave Holten (WA7DH)

  • Idaho Digital ARES/RACES Net 8-26-14

    Posted on Aug 27, 2014 3:33 AM UTC

    Great net tonight with allot of check-ins and conversation. Please see the transcript: 50:14 PM> Main 6:56:33 PM> Main Testing Testing WB7RBH ryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryry Testing WB7RBH WB7RBH de K9GRZ Good Evening! de K9GRZ 6:57:27 PM> Main K9GRZ de WB7RBH Goos evening, how the heck are you? No lightning for a change I bet!! Yahoo. WB7RBH k F6YNC. I see you . de KF6YNC - WB7RBH de K9GRZ. I"m fine as frog's hair! If I was any better I'd have to be twins! Nope, no lightening! ©ut, alas, I have a conference call so need to do check in/check out. I wanted to say hi and make sure I could still maØe all this stuff work! de K9GRZ k 6:59:26 PM> Main K9GRZ de WB7RBH Holly smokes we could handle two of you. OK for you, catch you next week maybe, have a good call. Good evening to Marlene, KF6YNC I see you to, nice and clear print. WB7RBH k CQ CQ CQ de KE7PEF KE7PEF CQ CQ CQ de KE7PEF KE7PEF PSE K - KB7RBH t e KF6YNC. Checking in. de KF6YNC 7:01:12 PM> Main KE7PEF de WB7RBH Are you calling the ARRL Digital Idaho ARES/RACES Net? If so you are in the right place. WB7RBH k lWtT e tyo KB7RBH de KE7PEF checking in for the ARRL net 7:02:14 PM> Main KE7PEF de WB7RBH RRR, where are you and the name please. I am Mike. Hang in there Marlene. WB7RBH k KB7RBH de KE7PEF Handle is Jeff located in Canyon County. We have met before. I am the sailo- 7:03:37 PM> Main KE7PEF de WB7RBH Welcome Jeff, nice print but I missed the very last of your transmission, OK On canyon County, nice to have you on the net. Do you have any lightning down there tonight, we ara finally clear ofr an evening for a change. WB7RBH k KB7RBH de KE7PEF Mike, the last part of the transmission was mentioning that I am also a sailor as a hobby. No lighning tonigh. the sky is clear. BTU David, KB7RBH de KE7PEF k 7:05:33 PM> Main KE7PEF de WB7RBH Outstanding!!! Was just online looking via Goole Earth at some of my old haunts on the BC Coast. OK Marlene, how the heck are you tonight, looks like you have Digital stuff running well. WB7RBH k WB7RBH de KF6YNC. I am doing great. I did a bunch of digital this weekend and learned that I need to be pateient and not step on everybody because digitsl is slower than voice. 7:07:31 PM> Main KF6YNC de WB7RBH It's a gas doing digital, I always have allot of fun when I get on. Meet some of the neatest folks. Yes the switch back and forth takes a little time, but the clearity is there. This is WB7RBH , Mike, Bonners Ferry Idaho calling the Idaho ARES/RACES HF Digital net to session. Any Idaho ARES/RACES digital station or visitor requesting to check in please come now WB7RBH Pse K de KI7I KI7I cing into the net k 7:09:13 PM> Main KI7I de WB7RBH got you in, any others? WB7RBH k WB7RBH d Ä7DHL ua PHL k se ch me into the net. de ka7erv 7:09:57 PM> Main N7DHL de WB7RBH and KA7ERV, got both of you in, any others? WB7RBH k lyB7RBH de Wo 7DH WA7DH checkingT k WB7RBH de WA7DH WA7DH Checking in. k BTto W,7RBH de AK7ME kn 7:11:00 PM> Main WA7DH de WB7RBH got you in, AK7ME I think I have that right, what is the name and location WB7RBH k WB7RBH de AK7ME Location is Jefferson CouQy, ID Name is Marty ARES is 2oiY BTU WB eoeaH de AK7ME kn 7:12:06 PM> Main AK7ME de WB7RBH Welcome Marty, love that name reminds me of Back to the Future everytime I hear it, any other checkins. WB7RBH k wb7rbh de kd7uch in Gem County please check me into the net. 7:12:55 PM> Main KD7UCH de WB7RBH Got you checked in, any others? WB7RBH k Here is WB7RBH looking for checkins for the Idaho ARES/RACES Digital Net WB7RBH PSE K KI7I, what have you got to say to the net tonight. Give us all a little print to read. WB7RBH k de KI7I.. not much to say./... life is going good. doing lots of yard work trying to kill down all the nap weed... nasty stuff. We had a good encom exercise here a couple weeks back. everybody off grid working from mobiles, trying new antennas, new go kits and got a couple of new people on HF digital.. - 4Ø mtrs across the yard from mobile stations... so pretty good. de KI7I k 7:16:54 PM> Main KD7UCH de WB7RBH nice to see so many checkins tonight, brings my faith back. Agent Orange works (Roundup)with a little 2-4-D mixed in. Cool, you have been busy , thanks KI7I. KA7ERV what have you got for the net tonght? WB7RBH k good evening to the net. not much here cutting some fire wood and getting ready for winter killing the weeds as well get some stuff from the couty that is a promice to get rid of skeletoo and nap weed so we'll see. de ka7ervk 7:19:14 PM> Main KA7ERV de WB7RBH OK thanks for the W word, I know it is coming, but lets not think about it yet. Good idea on getting it from the County, KI7I you migh try that avenue. KF6YNC what kind of Digital have you been running, tell us about it. WB7RBH k Marlene KF6YNC are you there? WB7RBH k WB7RBH de KF6YNC. I am slower at typing than you all but I'll get better. I have a new chicken coop a friend of mine and I built. I have 4 laying hens-1 of ea color. Where is a good place to fand shortened ways of using words-like pls? Next project is a leafto greenhouse for growing medicinal herbs. 73 to all you wonderful digital folks! I am aslo doing RMS Express. de KF6YNC 7:22:27 PM> Main KF6YNC de WB7RBH, Oh yes you will with all this practice. plus use the buffer and type ahead a little to save your self. Check on line for for CW slang and shortened words. We use pretty much full words here most of the time since some folks do not know the CW slang. Green house, that sounds like work to me, but having some green veggies fresh from the garden in the late season is a real blessing. what size greenhouse are you building or have? Good on the RMS, we will use that allot on this net. WB7RBH k WB7RBH de KF6YNC. I just realized I can do that. That why it came faster this timw.Just a half one attached to the house wall. de KF6YNC 7:25:05 PM> Main KF6YNC de WB7RBH Buffers are a wonderul thing. Very good on the greenhouse, KF7PEF give us some chatter for the net please. WB7RBH k KB7RBH de KE7PvF Mike and the net, thanks for letting me jump in. I have been tracking the emaia about the net but have not been at a time to get in. I did tonight. this is hte first time on the air in a couple months. Nice to check out the rig and see it is still working. I work at the guard and have been an active member of RACES but hav taken a back seat the last year due to work load and of course sailinPin the summer. I have a 25 ft catalina up at McCall so I spend my free time in the summer sailing e BTU Mike, KB7RBH de KE7PEF k 7:28:01 PM> Main KF7PEF de WB7RBH You are welcome. We have allot of fun. some nights we play games, some nights we use RMS and send attachments, all good practice for the troops. It is working very well. Well get yourself signed up for ARES/RACES on the website, we collect all kinds of infor about you so we can put you to work saving lives. Good boat for the lakes, My wife and I spent 15 years as livaboards and cruised the Pacific for several years. I still have saltwater in my veins. N7DHL take it away! Marty The website is WB7RBH k KB7RBH de KE7PEF Mike, I think I am already signed up and have my info in so should be good on that part. Live aboard is my dream. Maybe some day after I get done with the 4 let ar word "work". Ok, I will jump back on the siie and continue to monitor. Thanks again for the QSO. BTU Mike, KB7RBH de KE7PEF k 7:31:07 PM> Main KE7PEF de WB7RBH excellent, I will check you out next time I am on the site. We talked about the licaboard thing tbefore didn't we? WB7RBH k dp 7RBH de N7DHL I had sole very good frieer on August 12 and got my 5I inspirgr raised with my new/ old Force ti C4SXL antenna on it. - KI7I, KG7DUS, N7MA, KF6WKR, and KF7YWR all helped in the effort. Many thanks to them. I was also able to get a few gallons of huckleberries picked lately. de N7DHL k 7:33:39 PM> Main N7DHL de WB7RBH I heard you had some antenna improvements, I love it when you get some help with projects like that. Didn't you do a tilt over setup that makes it really nice. Hucks are the big thing right now around here, selling for a bunch of money. It is about the only industry left in Boundary County. WB7RBH k WB7RBH de N7DHL ³ight. The tower folds over at 24' up, and this puts the antenna in a position where I can work on it from a ladder if I need to. As for the huckleberry industry, people must be crazy to sell them after all the work picking them! de N7DHL k 7:36:00 PM> Main N7DHL de WB7RBH Very cool setup, someday I have to come visit and drool. WA7DH Dave how about you, what have you got to say to us all. WB7RBH k ?B7RBK de WA/Dz o¯e int irect lidltning hauatsver 1 l a. Came in the phone and satellite tv cables. Los ueifsl ?uter and all tv'r's, satellite boxes, etct ±nlg raa g e s lost the CT-17 CI-V infane. Have to tune everything bhand now. mweea work ng a lot y dital the last 2 weeks gettingTnto hthcticeb Mostly RTFvuo C7k-1ØM e neeenue$ e<good DX openings.n deAH k eS 7:38:13 PM> Main WA7DH de WB7RBH I go your email about the damage, sorry to hear about that one, lighning is terrible stuff to play with. AK7ME, please say a few words to the net so we get to know you alittle. WB7RBH k WB7RBH de AK7ME Sutca few things about me... live in Rigby ID and am pretty actiØ in e ARES / RACES around here Grew upin Cranbrook British Columbia so just north of Bonners - heven't been throee a there for a while but sure love the area Used to k a VEoi but moved to the US about 17 years ago ?U up to Canada a week or so ago ant neapicked abou three gallons of the nice purple berries no way I would sell them !!! BTU WB7RBH de AK7ME kn 7:40:37 PM> Main AK7ME de WB7RBH Excellent, oh yes, my family was in Victoria, but I was born in the US and raised in Portland but went home allot. Yes I would keep the berries also. KD7UCH pleas take it away and speak a little to us on the net. WB7RBH k wb7rbh de d7uch not much to say here. I have been away for 2 months and will go again next week. Have to come home in October for jury duty. I donYt know why since no d fense lawyer wiould allow me on a jury. I will be home for at least 3 months then and will try to be more acti)eh de kd7uch 7:42:42 PM> Main AK7ME de WB7RBH Where are you travelling to? They won't take me ofr Jury duty as I am an X police officer and they fel I am tainted. You know they are right, hang them all. So tell us where you go? WB7RBH k e B7RBH de AK7Mv I think yol are looking for KD7UCH again BTU WB7RBH de AK7ME kn 7:44:16 PM> Main Make that KD7UCH where are you travelling to, my goober, picked up the wrong call from the text and pasted it in. Dumb operator, bad bad. WB7RBH k Ide kd7uch have been on the coast and going back. I am retired from Gem County SO. We were looking at a ketck in - the harbor until my wife discovered that I meant to go to Hawaii in it. That ended that . she says she means an airplane to get there. 7:46:33 PM> Main KD7UCH de WB7RBH, did you say Ketch, love a ketch with the mizzen you can use it as a wind rudder for tight manuvers and a ridingsail when at anchor. Only 21 days away or so, but it is all the rock and roll for 24 hours a day and 21-25 days worth that always get the ladies wanting the airplane. WB7RBH k SO does anyone have anything for any of the checkin tonight, questions or comments for anyone or anything? This has been a real good night for conversation. As you can tell we had a bunch of folks on and we conversed for 5Ø minutes very well with small errors and nor real bugs in the system I am impressed. WB7RBH k - WB7RBH de AK7ME D you knoo who the coordinator nsr Jeffersen County in District 6 is ? BTU WB7RB= de AK7ME 7:50:02 PM> Main AK7ME de WB7RBH Send me an email at and I will send it back to you. Any other comments or questions. This has been very good for you all to do this and work this much digital conversation. WB7RBH k Here is WB7RBH looking for last checkins for the Idaho ARES/RACES Digital Net Final call from anyone! WB7RBH PSE K Very good job all of you, any comments before I shut the net down? WB7RBH k WB7RBH de KFYYNC. Thanks for a gtaat net. de KF6YNC 7:53:00 PM> Main KFYYNC de WB7RBH My pleasure Marlene. Each time we do this our skill get a little sharper. In a real emergency we would have allot going on so this type of conversational bet gives everyone a chance to practice the skill to control such a net. In an emergency you all mya be needed to run a digital net for some time until we can get you relieved. Comments? WB7RBH k KB7RBH de KE7PEF Thanks again. This wac fee(. e=te tope to catch the net another time. KB7RBH de KE7PEF 73 Mike B Lancaster and thanks for PSK31 QSO 53 on 8Øm. Time Ø254 UTC, 8/27/2Ø14 ----- de KE7PEF ----- sk 7:55:18 PM> Main KE7PEF de WB7RBH Please come back each week when you can as we have a bunch more to learn about all of us and we Digital Folks have to stick together. Final Final Final call? WB7RBH k This is WB7RBH closing this session of the ARES/RACES HF Digital Net for tonight. Thank you to all that checked in. Our next Scheduled Net is one week from tonight. Until then 73 to all WB7RBH SK Mike Meier WB7RBH ARRL Idaho SEC/PIC

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 14, posted by Michael Meier (WB7RBH)

  • Latah County HF EMCOMM Exercise Oct. 11-12 (long)

    Posted on Sep 08, 2014 2:56 PM UTC

    Latah County ARES is planning a 24 hour HF emcomm exercise for October 11 and 12, 2014. In order for an HF exercise to work we REALLY need other ARES groups from around the state to join us! A minimum of two are required to make the exercise work at all but more is better. This exercise was conceived as an emcomm version of the Field Day Contest. Planning for Field Day 2014 by the Palouse Hills ARC took about 3 months, dozens (if not hundreds) of emails, long lists of who was bringing what when, and etc. We won’t have that luxury when an emergency hits. We’ll get a phone call, or some other notification, and be expected to find our gear, pack it, load it, and be under way in as short a time as possible. This exercise is designed to simulate a zero notice emergency mobilization. A simulated mobilization call will go out Saturday morning, October 11, at 1700 Zulu (there won’t really be a call—just assume you got it at 1600 Zulu. At that time all responding stations are asked to tune to the designated frequencies as listed below, as soon as they mobilize, set up stations, and establish operations. Roll call for the net will be every hour. Net Control will initiate the roll call. K9GRZ will have station on the air with voice starting at 10 a.m. PDT on Saturday. (Yes, he is intentionally jumping the proverbial gun so we’re ready to respond to any other stations that get on the air quickly.) Net Control may change stations, if needed. Unlike a contest where the goal is as many different contacts as possible, the goal for this exercise is to have all participating stations check into the net every hour for a 24 hour period. The exercise will end Sunday, October 12, at 1900 Zulu. Safety is the number one priority for this, or any, exercise! If anyone thinks something should not be done because it isn’t safe, DON’T DO IT! We want everyone to come home in one, unbroken, piece! There will be multiple nets running on different frequencies: voice, digital, and CW (if we have the appropriate talented operators). Once the nets have started, roll call times will be staggered to minimize interference: voice, on the hour; digital, on the half hour; CW, TBD. Net frequencies will be (all are +/- QRM): Voice: 3929 LSB or 7229 LSB Digital: 3578.5 USB or 7073.5 USB Initial connections will be with PSK31, 500 on the waterfall. CW: 3529 or 7029 Latah County will use this exercise as a field mobilization drill. It is not required that units mobilize to the field, but it is encouraged. It is also encouraged that ARES units operate as a unit, not as individual stations. Latah County will establish a field station at a local campground and operate from that location for the duration of the exercise. We will set up as many radios and antennas as make sense for the location, conditions, and exercise. Because this is a regional exercise covering a fairly small geographical area, most of our antennas will be primarily configured for NVIS. Being able to DX to Germany is not needed for this exercise. Pre-planning and preparation are discouraged! OK, some planning is required, but the goal is to make this as near a true emergency mobilization as possible and we don’t generally get very much time to pre-plan for specific emergencies. Pre-planning in the form of general plans for how to mobilize, what equipment (in general) is needed, preparing go bags, etc., is strongly encouraged. This exercise certainly can be used as a general preparedness exercise; what we’re trying to avoid is having groups spend two months planning down to the last nut and bolt that will be needed and who will bring it. When 10 a.m. rolls around each member should have a basic idea of what is needed and where it is but should not have the car packed and ready to go. That defeats the purpose of an emergency mobilization exercise. This is planned as a 24 hour exercise. To operate a station, or multiple stations, for 24 hours will take a team, not an individual. To maintain interest, and to make the nets more fun, games and activities appropriate for radio communications are encouraged. Outside of the roll calls, and assuming there is no frequency interference, please feel free to bring appropriate games to play with other operators. For example, Tic-Tac-Toe, using a telephone keypad numbering system, or chess or checkers, would be appropriate games for radio operators to help pass the time between roll calls. Please contact Bill Ward,, with any questions, comments, concerns. Or catch him on the Thursday night HF net and ask questions there.

    Idaho ARES Latah County Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 13, posted by Geoff Billin (KC7QCS)

  • Winmor RMS Express Setup Article Posted

    Posted on Jul 17, 2014 4:09 PM UTC

    An article, contributed by Eric Lougee (KB1OKX), describing [b]RMS Express Winmor Peer-To-Peer (P2P) Setup[/b] has been posted. The article is available by selecting the [b]Winmor RMS Express Setup[/b] menu item found in the [b]Tutorials[/b] section under the [b]Resources[/b] menu.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 10, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • Emergency Coordinator Monthly Reports Now Online

    Posted on Jul 03, 2014 12:48 AM UTC

    The web site now has the ability to submit, view or edit an [B]Emergency Coordinator Monthly Report[/B]. Also available is the ability to view a monthly summary of reports. When an EC (at any level) is logged in, the [B]Admin[/B] menu includes a section for [B]EC Tools[/B], with an [B]EC Reports[/B] menu item. When the [B]EC Reports[/B] menu item is selected, a page is presented with radio button selections available to: • Submit a monthly emergency coordinator report • View a monthly emergency coordinator report • Edit a monthly emergency coordinator report • View a summary of monthly emergency coordinator reports When the option is selected to submit a report, a form, which has the same fields as your current form that is submitted by email. When the option is selected to view a report, a second form allows the jurisdiction, report month and report year to be entered. Upon submitting the jurisdiction and date information, the report will be displayed in the same format as the submission form but is not editable. When the option is selected to edit a report, a second form allows the jurisdiction, report month and report year to be entered. Upon submitting the jurisdiction and date information, a form will be presented that is identical in format as the form used to perform the initial submission of a report, with all fields in the form populated with the current values that are stored for that report. The fields can be edited and then the updated form is submitted by the click of a button. When the option is selected to view a summary, a second form allows the report month and report year to be specified. Once specified, a summary will only be displayed if there are data records stored for the specified report period. If data is available, the report assumes the same formatting as the other membership reports (i.e. all counties on the left column, followed by districts, and then the state summary along the bottom). When a report is initially submitted, or re-submitted via the edit option, upon submission an email will be sent to convey the contents of the report. The email distribution is copied to the submitter and also sent to all positions higher in the management chain of command. For example, a county EC report will be sent to the district EC and the section EC, while a district EC report will be sent to the section EC.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 8, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • Idaho ARES Organization Charts available to ECs

    Posted on May 10, 2014 7:18 PM UTC

    An Idaho ARES organizational chart is now available to Emergency Coordinators at all levels. The organization chart is generated from the member database. See the [b]Generate Organization Chart[/b] menu item in the [b]Roster Tools[/b] section under the [b]Admin[/b] menu. The organization chart has been updated to depict the primary email contact address. Note that the organization charts are slightly larger than an 8.5 X 11 inch sheet of paper when printed. A note at the bottom of the organization chart page indicates what scaling should be applied to print the organization chart to a single 8.5 X 11 inch page.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 7, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • Email Subscriptions to Idaho ARES NEWS

    Posted on Apr 18, 2014 7:19 PM UTC

    Updates to the NEWS page are now distributed by email to those members who have indicated that they wish to subscribe to email notifications in their member profile. This is an opt-in system. No member is automatically subscribed. If you wish to subscribe to email news notifications, you must explicitly indicate so in your member profile. If subscribed, notifications will only be distributed to your locale. You will receive statewide notifications from news articles posted by the Idaho Section Manager, Idaho Emergency Coordinator or Idaho ARES web team, district wide notifications from your Idaho ARES District Emergency Coordinator, and county wide notifications from your Idaho ARES County Emergency Coordinator.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 5, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • Idaho ARES/RACES Combination HF NET

    Posted on Mar 28, 2014 9:12 PM UTC

    Please join me in welcoming our new NCS Operators for the Idaho ARES/RACES HF Net. Randy Schaak has accepted the 4th Thursday slot as NCS and Julie Bunker has accepted the position as first Alternate which means she can operate any week! Both operators may need your help for relays and the extra set of ears, so please check in and give them the courtesy and assistance they deserve. Once again thank you members of Idaho ARES for making this all happen. We have the best Amateur Operators on the planet in Idaho! Mike Meier WB7RBH ARRL Idaho SEC ARRL Idaho PIC

    Idaho ARES Idaho Section Emergency CoordinatorNews, article 3, posted by Michael Meier (WB7RBH)

  • Notice to Emergency Coordinators

    Posted on Feb 08, 2014 10:04 PM UTC

    The new Idaho ARES web site includes the ability to generate rosters for directed NET operations. Members who are authorized Net Control Stations can be given the ability to generate these rosters. In order for a member to be granted this privilege, the member must be designated as a Net Control Station (i.e. NCS) by an Emergency Coordinator. [b]Emergency Coordinators wishing to authorize a member station as a Net Control Station will need to provide authorization by using the Contact Idaho ARES form, which is available under the Idaho ARES menu. Please provide specific instructions to authorize or de-authorize a member as an NCS.[/b] The WEB development team will respond to authorization / de-authorization requests by adjusting the member access privileges to enable or disable the ability to generate a Directed NET Roster respectively.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 2, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)

  • Welcome to the NEW Idaho ARES Web Site

    Posted on Jan 14, 2014 4:31 AM UTC

    Idaho ARES extends its sincere appreciation to Peter Stilling (KF7WIP) and Todd Smith (N7TMS) for hosting and maintaining the previous Idaho ARES web site. [B]Current Idaho ARES members will need to reset their password, using the Reset Password menu item under the Member Area menu.[/B] Resetting a password requires that your current membership record include an email address, which will be used to notify you of your new temporary password. If your membership record does not include an email address, please use the Contact Idaho ARES form to provide an email address. Immediately after resetting your password, please login to the Member Area, and then update your Security Settings to set a password of your choosing and to select a security challenge for future sessions where your password needs to be reset. Failing to update your Security Settings will make it possible for anyone to reset your password. The security of your record is dependent upon you taking action to complete these steps. [B]There is the possibility that the transfer of data from the previous web-site databases introduced errors into member records. Further, each member record is now capable of tracking additional equipment and digital mode capabilities. Because of this, it is critically important that all members login and verify / update their Profile, Equipment List and Qualifications List.[/B] [B]Data migration from the original database to the new database occurred on November 4, 2013. Any existing member who has edited their on-line records between November 4, 2013 and the date of the new web page going on-line will need to re-enter the data associated with those modifications. Any new member that registered between November 4, 2013 and the date of the new web page going on-line will need to re-register as a new member.[/B] [B]The data contained within your membership record is important![/B] The capabilities and qualifications contained within your data record are used to assess Idaho ARES capabilities and has a direct bearing on Exercise Planning and Emergency Event Staffing. Idaho ARES requests that you fully indicate your qualifications and your station capabilities within your membership record. Please maintain your records with current information, including upgrading or downgrading your station capabilities, qualifications or a change license class. The Idaho ARES web page is dependent on features supported by a current web browser. If you do not have a current web browser and are experiencing difficulties, please update to a current web browser, such as FireFox, prior to reporting an issue to Idaho ARES. If you encounter any issues regarding operation of the web site while using a current web browser, please report the issue using the Contact Idaho ARES form. Please be sure to provide the address of the page where the issue occurred and steps to reproduce the issue you experienced in the body of the Contact Idaho ARES message.

    Idaho ARES Web SiteNews, article 1, posted by Ray Montagne (W7CIA)